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maestro tags are roxygen2 comments for configuring the scheduling and execution of pipelines.


maestro tags follow the format #' @maestroTagName

Tag List

tagNamedescriptionvalueexamples (comma sep.)default
maestroFrequencyTime unit for schedulingstring1 hour, daily, 3 days, 5 weeks1 day
maestroLogLevelThreshold for logging when logging is requestedstringINFO, WARN, ERRORINFO
maestroSkipSkips the pipeline when running (presence of tag indicates to skip)n/a
maestroStartTimeStart time of the pipeline; sets the point in time for recurrencedate or timestamp1970-01-01 00:00:00, 2024-03-281970-01-01 00:00:00
maestroTzTimezone of the start timestringUTC, America/HalifaxUTC
maestroHoursHours of day to run pipelineints0 12 23
maestroDaysDays of week or days of month to run pipelineints or strings1 14 30, Mon Wed Sat
maestroMonthsMonths of year to run pipelineints1 3 9 12
maestroInputsPipelines that input into this pipelinestringsmy_upstream_pipeline
maestroOutputsPipelines that take the output from this pipelinestringsmy_downstream_pipeline
maestroGeneric tag for identifying a maestro pipeline with all defaultsn/a.