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maestro 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-08-27

New features

  • New tags maestroHours, maestroDays, and maestroMonths allows running of pipelines on specific hours of day, days of week, days of month, or months of year (#100).

  • maestroFrequency tag now accepts the values hourly, daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. Argument orch_frequency to run_schedule() also accepts these values.

Minor changes

  • Changed from example_schedule data the pipeline with a schedule of 1 minute to 30 minutes in keeping with best practices for minimum pipeline frequency.

  • suggest_orch_frequency now uses the smallest interval between any two pipelines (#99).

Bug Fixes

  • Error messages on unintentional overwrites from create_*() functions correctly reference name of path or directory that was to be overwritten.

  • Fixed cli output of run_schedule() to not show skipped pipelines in the next run portion.

maestro 0.1.2

CRAN release: 2024-08-01

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed cli output to correctly handle counting of successful runs when pipelines are skipped.

  • Performance improvements to build_schedule() (#101).

maestro 0.1.1

Breaking changes

  • Creater functions create_pipeline() and create_maestro no longer have default arguments for the path to where the scripts are created. Users must explicitly define these paths.

  • Argument log_file in run_schedule() no longer defaults to ./maestro.log but instead defaults to NULL.

Minor changes

  • Creater functions create_* now take a boolean overwrite argument to make the overwriting of existing pipelines, projects, and orchestrators more explicit.

maestro 0.1.0

  • Initial CRAN submission

maestro 0.0.4

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the output of the next run for pipelines (#90)

maestro 0.0.3

Breaking changes

  • run_schedule() now returns a list with status and artifacts instead of just a data.frame of the status. Artifacts are any values returned from pipelines. Pipelines that return nothing will have no artifacts.

Major changes

Minor changes

  • Start and end times are now reported from functions that result in an error in single core only (#82).

Bug fixes

  • CLI output from run_schedule() now correctly outputs the total number of pipelines (#81) and correctly outputs number of errors.

maestro 0.0.2

Breaking changes

  • maestroFrequency tag now adheres to a more human-readable format like “1 day”, “2 hours”, “4 weeks”, etc.

  • orch_frequency argument in run_schedule() also takes more human-readable format identical to maestroFrequency tag.

  • maestroInterval tag removed

  • orch_interval argument to run_schedule() removed.

  • create_maestro() and create_orchestrator() now use the argument type instead of extension for defining what script type to use for the orchestrator.

  • Changed last_parsing_errors() to last_build_errors(); changed functions of the form last_runtime_*() to last_run_*().

Major changes

  • Additional columns added to the output of run_schedule(): pipeline_started and pipeline_ended to indicate the start and end times of a pipeline execution; next_run to indicate when the next run should be based on the frequency of the pipeline and orchestrator.

  • Pipelines now show as skipped if they are not scheduled.

  • Added hex logo

Minor changes